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  • Writer's picturebeyzacekici2001

Hi Everyone! Let's Have A Look At This Semester!

This is the last post for this semester. Time flies, isn't it?

Thanks to this class, all my ideas about using technology in a classroom changed. As a student, I would get so anxious when my teacher assigned an internet project. They were always harder than a project on paper. As we discussed in this course, this is a problem when it comes to integrating technology into a classroom. However, with a proper guideline, such as the limits, examples, tools, it was easier than I expected.

We completed many tasks during this semester. They were aimed at different things, for example, student types, learning, or teaching. Personally, the book poster task was my favorite. I am not a fan of group projects. Additionally, we were given every little detail still, I had a quite range of area to reflect my taste.

On the other hand, the hardest one was digital storytelling. It had multiple layers to accomplish yet even I was surprised by the outcome.

Overall, now that I can look back everything I have learned in this course, there is no doubt that Educational Technologies is a must in education departments. I am so glad that I had the chance to take this course from Dr. Kurt. The only thing I regret is the fact that we couldn’t see each other physically. I can image how much it would be nice.

Finally, as a future teacher, I am fully aware that the our students will be different from us in terms of the use of technology. Keeping up with innovations, upgrades and following current things is still important in this respect. My goal is to prepare the optimum environment for my students to learn and enjoy. Thanks a lot to the teacher of this course for teaching us the ideal standards.

Stay Safe!

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