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  • Writer's picturebeyzacekici2001

HELLO EVERYONE! THIS IS THE LAST ONE: Creating a technology-enhanced research-based mini project.

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

Here we are with the last project for this year. How fast the time goes by!

I and my friends Ali and Birdem worked together on this project.

First, we decided to use a WebQuest on Zunal to create the task and for a starting point, we wanted our students to create a poster and do a presentation about the natural disasters caused by human interferences around the world. We included several tools in our project such as Canva, Google Docs, Padlet, and Edmodo. On the other hand, we added links to several websites and videos to make the process easier.

As a whole, the task for us was easy. However, it needed some time to think and discuss it because there are many tool options for everything. But, we wanted to use the ones we find the easiest. In the end, being able to create such a task for our future students is the best outcome while working on these projects.

Here is our link for the Webquest. Check and let me know what you think.

Stay Safe!

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