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  • Writer's picturebeyzacekici2001

Hello for the Last Time!

We have come to the end of another semester! Didn't everything happen so fast? I think it did and we completed another course together.

First of all, I want to say that this course helped me learn so many things. Other than all the things for current technological affordances, we even worked for the future which was the best thing for me! Besides, the Material Design course gave me a full mindset for being a 21st-century teacher which is extremely valuable to me.

All of the instructions given by our teacher made this course the best. Tasks were not so easy yet, I didn't feel lost while doing them. This is the main strength of the course in my opinion.

The part where we completed most of the things with our pairs was challenging since I feel more comfortable while working on my own. However, my friend, Birdem, pushed me to my fullest. Therefore, this course also helped me to be a more communicative student. This is the best outcome for me personally.

When it comes to my opinions on the tasks, I liked the Flipped Classroom task the most since it is a very innovative approach. Also, I had the chance to discover more on the internet for my future students. On the other hand, the Augmented Reality project was challenging because of the lack of tools. We spent a lot of time on it but I wasn't fully satisfied after completing it. However, I learned the main purpose of this project which is not to use the technological advancements but to be able to create tasks and work efficiently in EFL classrooms.

For the next year, If I need to say something to the new students in this course, I would definitely tell them to spend the time on the course's requirements. It is not because of the high grades but I genuinely value the fact that this course improves one not only as an English language teacher but also as a social person in life.

I am truly grateful to take this course face to face. I am sure that this is one of the bone courses in this department and I will continue to learn more in the future!

Take care everyone and for the last time,

Stay Safe!

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