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  • Writer's picturebeyzacekici2001

Hi Everyone! Let's Look at Corpus Based Learnng!

Welcome back! While getting deep into the technology in education, we now discover corpus-based learning. This is quite popular trend in English language teaching and learning and, I am very excited to explore and share the adventure with you!

With my firend Birdem, we first learned what is is. Corpus, a massive language data on the internet, is now used for language learning. Then, after exploring it, we tried to create a guide worksheet for our students to follow and learn. This helps students to learn the language implicitly. That way, learning becomes permanent.

We used COCA for this assignment. It was a bit complex to use. Understanding components of the site was the most challenging part of it. However, after searching, trying and spending some time on it, everything went smoothly. We also used Canva to prepare the worksheets.

Overall, ıt was a pleasureable experinece to learn new things in our field. All these make me feel more quilified to become a teacher in the future.

Lastly, I share the worksheets with you to take a look. Also, you can check on my friend, Birdem's website. I hope you like it! Feel free to leave your comments.

Stay safe!

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