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  • Writer's picturebeyzacekici2001

Hell To Everyone Again! Would You Like To Know My İdeas About 21st Century Learning?

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

The 21st century is quite different than previous ones in terms of innovation. Every aspect of our lives is changing so quickly. One of them is learning. We need to know what it is, how it changes, and how to approach learning.

In today's world, the most affecting element is developing technology. The lives of the new generation are more different than their parents. Everyone has access to the internet, and this influences learning inevitably. To be able to reach an enormous amount of information just with a click makes traditional methods inapplicable to the students most of the time.

If we want to benefit from technology, there are some criteria. Fırst, technology must be a tool for learning. Yet unfortunately, it becomes a goal so, that makes learning a compelling process. The other significant thing is that learning how to learn. How to find the right information, generate and share the knowledge, communicate with others is crucial for this century.

Consequently, 21st-century learning comes with advantages and disadvantages. However, with proper guidance, this provides us a great opportunity than ever before.

Stay safe!

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